We’ve just launched a new

Digital-First Publishing Technology Platform

Embark on successful digital transformation to increase website traffic, build an engaged and interactive audience community, and generate steady revenue from loyal subscribers.

Managing 1Bn+ Monthly Pageviews for 200+ Global Publishers

Content Management System

A headless publishing CMS to empower content creators to deliver high-quality experiences to their audiences
Innovative Storytelling
Workflow Management
Mobile Journalism
Omnichannel Distribution
SEO & Performance
Content Insights
Syndication & Newswires
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Dashboard mockup

Audience Engagement

Build an engaging and interactive community by allowing the audience to share their thoughts and experiences in 150+ languages, including vernacular/regional languages
Commenting and reactions
AI-driven Moderation with built-in toxicity detection
Shadow banning
Support for Citizen Journalism (UGC integrates with CMS)
Custom & Responsive themes & designs
Drop-in embed code for any website
SSO Integration

Subscription & Paywall Management

Be part of the elite members of the publishers' tribe that invest in subscriptions as their most important revenue priority.
Identify audience
Acquire subscribers
Retain loyal readers
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API Integrations

Existing tech stack investments leveraged with Quintype’s out-of-the-box integrations for over 100+ tools and platforms.
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Experience Quintype’s Publishing Platform Through Our Customers' Eyes

“ Quintype gives us a huge advantage in our mobile-first news environment. The platform is built for agility on mobile. No need for plugins. ”

Ritu Kapur
Ritu Kapur
Co-Founder and Managing Director, The Quint

“ Quintype, enabled us to reduce our TCO by 35% while helping us 3X our website traffic with 100M monthly page views. ”

Swapnil Malpathak
Swapnil Malpathak
Business Head, Sakal Digital

“ Metype helps our team to engage with our young audience while ensuring high-quality conversations through their toxicity meter. ”

Amarnath Govindarajan
Amarnath Govindarajan
Chief Digital Officer, Swarajya

“ Quintype's News CMS platform aligned perfectly with our editorial team's criteria, including efficient workflow management. ”

Sitaraman Shankar
CEO of The Printers Mysore and Editor of Deccan Herald

“ To us, working with local news feels like racing in Formula 1 and I am sure the team of MiMorelia are the best drivers, but we needed the fastest car possible. With quintype I am confident we have found it. We now have a fast and responsive website, which will serve a better experience to our readers. Big thumbs up to the entire Quintype team. ”

Juan Carlos de Guerrero Osio Laris
Juan Carlos de Guerrero Osio Laris
Founder, Mimorelia.com

Success Stories

How SAKAL Soared to 14M Users and 40% Cost Cut after Quintype

The smooth sailing story of how Deccan Herald Migrated 2 Million Stories to Quintype Without a Traffic Dip

The Quintype Strategy of Driving a 60% Page View Spike for CDO Magazine

Join the Hall of Fame of Great Leaders who have Successfully Transitioned to Digital-First Publishing